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Empowering Minds, The Beta Way.

Beta provides an effective and powerful way to learn new skills and advance your career.

Learn by


Engaging & Interactive

Expert Instructors

Our Mission

At Beta, we believe that everyone should have access to quality education and training. Our mission is to provide engaging and interactive online courses that help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your career. Our dedication to inclusivity and continuous improvement ensures that everyone can build a strong educational foundation, setting the stage for personal and professional success. Join us in this journey to unlock a world of opportunities through knowledge, including the exciting field of Data Science and Gen AI .

Our Courses

Our courses cover a wide range of topics, from programming to Data Science, Gen AI, Business and Marketing. Each course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your career.



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Dive in!

Our courses are designed to cover the basics of python programming language and dive deep into data science. With expert instructors and engaging content, you'll have everything you need to achieve your goals.

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Data Science 

Welcome to Beta's foundational course in Data Science with Python, where we lay the groundwork for your exciting journey into the world of data. Our Basic Package is designed to equip you with essential Data Science skills and immerse you in practical applications through hands-on projects.

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Data Science - Track

Beta introduces you to Python's fundamentals, laying a solid groundwork for data mastery. Dive into specialized tracks in AI, Finance, Business tailoring your learning journey to your career goals. All courses are online, offering live interaction, real-time learning, and exclusive content. 

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Gen AI

Beta offers a diverse range of specialized tracks to customize your data education. Explore sub-fields like Gen AI. Select your passion, master your expertise, and excel in the data industry with Beta.

What We Offer In Addition

Enhance your experience with our expanded offerings and unlock

new opportunities.


Creating Roadmaps for Ideas to Go Live. Our strategic planning ensures your concepts become reality. We develop comprehensive roadmaps to guide your ideas from inception to successful implementation, making them a reality.

Internship with
Partner Firms Guidance

Embark on a journey towards real-world proficiency with our exclusive internship programs. Collaborate with industry giants, applying your skills, and setting the course for a successful career launch.

University Project Assistance

Amplify your learning with immersive hands-on course projects. Put theory into practice, honing crucial skills and expertise. Our practical approach ensures you're well-prepared for real-world challenges and opportunities.

Beta for Business

We offer business services, including web development, analytics setup, and business analysis, all designed to enhance your performance and help your business thrive.

Online presence set up

Business analysis

Digital Marketing

Have a chat with our team to know more

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to take your career to the next level with Beta's online courses. Our engaging and interactive courses are designed to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your career.

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